Roofing Leads Exclusive Contractor Marketing

Could you use exclusive roofing leads?
Want to grow your residential and commercial roofing company?
Are you a Roofer looking for new customers?
Advertising for roofing companies can be expensive, and you never really know the number of quality leads you will generate from traditional advertising methods. In the past, construction contractors, including roofing contractors, would advertise in local newspapers, on the radio, and place a sign on the front lawn of the house they are working at. Some would even canvas the area and hand out pamphlets and door knocker flyers. That is a rough way to generate leads. The yellow pages are not where people look anymore to find an AC repair man or roofing contractor. They now turn to Google, Yahoo, or Bing search engines.
Promotions like direct mail for roofing leads are hit and miss. You might be too late if you target an area recently affected by a hailstorm. Most people will have called a roofer already by the time your mail is printed and sent. The majority of homeowners have already signed a competitor’s contract.

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Online Exclusive Roofer Leads

Quality exclusive roofer leads come from having your own online lead generation system. This means you’re not having to deal with other painting contractors trying to sell to your customer. There is no race to see who can give the roofing customer the lowest price. This will allow you to maintain your margins while simultaneously creating goodwill with the customer as they are not receiving numerous calls.
The lead system starts with a highly-optimized website that is specifically designed to generate roofing leads. Nearby towns you serve will have specific optimization done for them.
Next, promoting the local roofing company through search engines. We promote it to all major search engines, including Google, Bing, and Yahoo, and online directories. Additionally, your business will be advertised on other favorite sites frequented by area residents. People use these sites in search of residential and commercial roofing services such as Yelp, Merchant Circle, and Kudzu.

Select Roofing Leads

The biggest difference between Ignited Biz and other large lead companies is they rely on generic leads and sell a single lead to multiple roofing contractors. At Ignited Biz, we develop leads that pre-sell your roofing company and brand. We only market one roofer per 50-mile radius! That means quality exclusive leads!
Through the massive online promotion of your roofing business, area customers will find and call you directly. Generating exclusive roofing leads will allow you to be more selective. Imagine private roofing leads directly to your phone and email! Plus, the best thing is the longer you use our Lead Generation System, the more roofing leads you will receive each month!
The best part of Ignited Biz’s Contractor Marketing Program is it includes building you a proprietary website. An incredibly fast site continually optimized for local search. It will come with feature-rich content about your roofing business. The design will talk about your local market, employees, and much more.

Best Part? We do all the boring online work!

Do you know the best part of being in our exclusive Contractor Marketing Program? We build the website and do all the online advertising, marketing, SEO, and social media. We handle the A to the Z for your online marketing with our Premium Marketing Plan.  This allows you to handle what you do the best roofing! Just pay a fixed rate each month for exclusive roofing leads. No matter the number of leads you get. You have my word (Chris Jones, Owner) that we will explode your marketing.