Best Roofing Website Design Top Rated

Ignited Biz has designed and enjoys building websites for Roofing Contractor Companies. The best roofing website design is simple, and I mean simple! Website designers have gotten out of hand when it comes to company websites.

When someone is searching for a roofer in their city:

Do you think they need big bandwidth-intensive pictures?

How about a quick loading site? Wouldn’t that be more important?

A simple site where they can find your contact information? Easy to see you offer free estimates.

How about being able to find information about your company and history?

It’s really simple – Keep it super simple (K.I.S.S) and have it load blazing fast.

Along the way, Ignited Biz identified a few features that not only make roofing contractor websites stand out. But also lead directly to an increase in sitewide engagement and conversions!

Whether you’re a small two-person roofing business or a larger company with multiple locations. Incorporating these features in your website’s design can differentiate profit and loss.

1) Responsive web design

With over 60{12cfc9e2dce611368899de7f3fdf994cd93c8cba5d3611435280d12a5fb31d6f} of all search engine traffic coming from mobile users. Responsive design ensures that you have a tailored experience for devices of all sizes.

Alienating mobile visitors with a cumbersome site to navigate on a phone or tablet. Pinching and panning aren’t acceptable anymore. Responsive web design means the site can scale to different screen sizes. The content will reorder and look good if it is a tablet, cell phone, laptop, or desktop computer.

The benefits of responsive web design for a roofing company are especially significant. Roofer leads drastically increase with a responsive website design.

Frustrating mobile users can lead people to navigate back to search engine results. This is giving your site a black eye in the search engine eyes because they didn’t spend any time on your website.

Responsive design also demonstrates to current and potential clients that your firm is on the cutting-edge of new technology. This will differentiate you from many of your competitors with less mobile-friendly websites.

Not to mention a responsive design is excellent for SEO. Google not only recommends responsive design as the best way to target mobile users, but it now demands it after the Mobilegeddon algorithm. The search engines favor mobile-optimized sites when they generate their search engine results for mobile devices. Marketing for roofers has and will continue to get more complex.

2) Speed – The Best Roofing Website Design is Quick

Nothing irritates customers more than a slow-loading site.

Think about this for a second. Do you think they really care about a fancy flashy site? Or do you think they want a clean, quick site?

Keep in mind:

Some clients using mobile still have data limits

Cell phones don’t always have the best reception

Some people are stuck on slow internet like AT&T DSL – Uverse – High-Speed Internet (What an Oxymoron)

Satellite connections are hit and miss and have download limits

My point is that by having a data-intensive website (slow loading), your contractor business will be missing out on all the people with these issues.

3) Quick, convenient methods to contact

Some roofing websites seem to hide the contact information. The best roofing website designs should always give users several ways to quickly get in touch with the business. Those are the ones I can think of quickly off the top of my head.

In fact, when a user is on a desktop, the phone number needs to be displayed easily for them to find. This is allowing them to pick up their phone and dial. A user on your roofing site using a mobile phone should display a click-to-call button.

it’s also important that users have options. Using contact forms, click to call, email just giving the customer options will increase your conversion. As humans, we are all different. Some would rather email, while others want to talk to a person. Having options will keep potential customers in their comfort zone.

4) Blog for content creation

Content marketing can get overwhelming. But creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content on your website is a great attraction for search engines.  When search engines like the new content, they rank your site higher.  Though this has to be quality content, as artificial intelligence gets smarter and smarter, it is hard to trick them. Even if you did manipulate the search engines with poor content, they would eventually catch you, causing your site to crash.

This is where it is important that if you’re not going to do the work yourself. Make sure to hire someone who is going to do the job right.

5) Linking and Reaching Out

Next, a website doesn’t exist without backlinks. Having the best roofing website design does you no good without backlinks. Backlinks are where other sites link to your site. You will have to reach out to other sites to see if you can write an article that they will post and link it back to your site. This is a time-consuming task but is one of the most valuable items in contractor marketing.

Contact Us Bar

6) Social media on Roofing sites

Roofers are definitely not early adopters of social media. This is where you can shine with the correct material. Social media usage for roofing contractors is on the rise. Including social profiles will give your team members personality, builds their brand, and provides direct access to prospective clients. FYI the social profiles on Ignited Biz are my own. I think this shows I am here for the long haul and will do my best. I wouldn’t want my friends and family to find out differently. Company owners hiding their profiles always makes me wonder if they stand behind their work.

7) Don’t use stock photos

It’s easy for your visitors to spot stock photography. Putting a face with the roofing company and showing off your offices by using your team builds credibility. Make sure when taking shots that you have location services turned on. Using this will Geo Tag the photo and greatly help with local search.


The best roofing website design will include all 7 of the above. These 7 tasks anyone is capable of doing with time and perseverance. Keep in mind this is only scratching the surface of building the best roofer website.

Here at Ignited Biz, we not only include these but also have a proprietary theme that is very mobile optimized. Having the best website is an ongoing task and gets pretty complicated once you go beyond the basics.

Interested in learning more about rebuilding your roofing company’s website? We’re here to help! Learn more about Ignited Biz’s website and SEO services.

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