I hate to say it that way but……
Most people think most small businesses fail in the first few years. You see this information all over the internet. Saying in excess of 80% of small businesses will close their doors in their first 5 years.
Do you know why they fail?
Most businesses fail due to a lack of effort in marketing… Plain and simple
No marketing means no customers, and no customers mean no money.
Don’t believe all the crazy hype out there. Most local business owners think they have a storefront people will come. That is just not true; you have to get online where your customers can be found. I always go downtown and find little new shops that people would visit if they knew about them.
These small local businesses think online marketing is too expensive. If you want your storefront to be around, you must have an online marketing plan.
The #1 Myth: Online Marketing is Expensive
I have heard horror stories of businesses spending thousands of dollars for a website only to have no one visit. Why waste time or money?
People will come to new businesses like restaurants, clothing stores, beauty shops, personal trainers, and more. Why is that?
It’s New!!!!!!!!!!! And they discovered it by driving by… This creates a false impression that you don’t need marketing and have plenty of business. As the news wears off, what happens?
Business drops off because business owners have not been regularly promoting their business. It is hard to find a balance.
But if your company is on a limited budget and you want to build a strong foundation for your business, we are here to make it as simple as possible for you.
Small local businesses will fail without a strong online presence in the first few years. Now I assume you want to make money at your business, and it’s not just a hobby.
Ask yourself about your favorite places you visit.
How many try to get your information to send out updates?
How many do a good job at it?
Do they have an effective email campaign or text message system?
Do they update their websites with specials or events happening each month or week?
instead of asking the question:
How to start my own business?

How Do I Get Customers?
This is extremely important if you can’t grow your business outside your circle of influence. Your circle of friends and family only goes so far, and then the business drops.
Inside here, we will show you the best tools and tips for developing your online marketing campaign for your local business.
For example, let’s say you have a cleaning business. With a great online presence, you could offer free cleaning and let people nominate people who might be in a rough situation currently in their life. A clean house can help people in a bad situation.
Think about not only getting help to build your business but also helping someone else currently at a rough point in their life.
This gives you free publicity online and creates social shares.
The second question you need to ask when starting your own business:
How Do I Keep Customers Coming Back?
You have to figure out a strategy to keep customers coming back in the door. We will discuss these tools and tips in the second stage of developing your online marketing campaign. An old saying, “a bird in the hand, is better than two in the bush.”
Keeping old clients coming back and building brand loyalty.
Assuming you have looked into the legality and licensing and picked a niche you want to specialize in, this site will cover the marketing aspects.
This program is here to drive people to use your business, and we will show you tips and tricks to get more customers without expensive advertising.
Out low cost to free methods of advertising will even make other expensive methods have a higher return on investment (ROI)
Starting My Own Business Step One
Some people may be thinking:
I have way too much work already. I don’t have the time to spare to build a website! Again basically two options pay someone or follow our simple guide and take it step by step.
I am no tech wizard! I can barely use this smartphone to make a call. How could I ever create a business website?
OK, so let’s take the first step in building a successful business.